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This program is for grades 3rd through 6th . It is 5 fun-filled days of STEM/Writing/Arts & Crafts for the low cost of $100 per student! We will have sessions for 2 hours each day. These events will take place this summer, to prepare for the upcoming school year! The topics are project/activity based which encourages collaboration and engagement. Below is a list of skills your student will gain along with the STEM/Reading/Arts & Crafts skills. Each day, your child will also be provided a snack according to their dietary needs and water. Registration is ongoing from May to August.

1. Confidence builders (Has your child struggled with low confidence in their abilities in mathematics/academia in general? These skills are incorporated to build up your scholar's belief in their capabilities.


2. Goals & preparation (This is included to supply tools for goal setting and planning for success)


3.Questioning (This skill includes enrichment activities in learning how to ask appropriate questions while utilizing confidence and goal setting tools)

4.Basic math skills (With an emphasis on Fractions)

5. Word Problems (each word problem will be tailored to the special topics where students will work hands-on to solve them)

6. Culminating presentations (On the final day, parents are invited to see their child present skills they learned in camp.

If you would like to sign-up, please go to the home page and register for a FREE consultation.

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